Farm Fact Friday 4/17/2020: How Cows Stand Up and Lie Down

Time for another Farm Fact Friday! This one is specifically from Farmer Randy, who wants everyone to know that when a cow stands up, she always stands up on her back legs first, then her front legs. When she lies down, she does the opposite: kneels down on her front legs first, then lowers her back legs. 
If you click here, you can see a video on our Facebook page of Jennin, our bull calf, demonstrating! Come by and see him today (4/17) at the farm in MOOringsport - we’ll be open 2-5 PM, as usual. As a reminder, we’re doing drive-up only - we’ll come to your car to take your order!
#morelldairyfarm #farmfactfriday #jerseycow #alljersey #farmfresh#buylocal